Okay, now that we're sure the world is ending, I hope you're ready for a hopeful viewpoint! Caitlin Johnstone is one of my favorite writers, but the last time I posted one of her articles, an otherwise astute FB friend pooh-poohed it immediately because the site didn't "look authentic" (this after another usually smart friend wouldn't even open an article in Consortiumnews because he hadn't heard of what happens to be the oldest investigative journalism site on the Web). Obviously all that "fake news" propaganda worked, so that now progressives are questioning their own best sources. The answer to all this is, use your brain! Trust me, you can tell. If it reads like bullshit, it probably is, and if it doesn't read like bullshit, it probably isn't--and if still in doubt, use Google. Anyway, here's Johnstone's dose of optimism:
Believe It Or Not, This Is What The Great Awakening Looks Like
There is a massive shift happening in human consciousness, and it may just be enough to save the world.
We’re headed straight for a cliff. If humanity continues on its current course, we’ll either wipe ourselves out via nuclear holocaust or die off in natural disasters, droughts, famines, plagues, food riots and predation when global warming-induced climate chaos and temperature extremes collapse industrial agriculture.
Anyone who thinks humanity can keep going the way it’s been going for even one more generation is either ignorant, delusional, or both. It is unquestionably evolve-or-die time for our species. We will go extinct if we do not drastically change our collective behavior, and in order for that to happen we’re going to have to drastically change our consciousness. For whatever reason, the ruling elites of our society have been using our fear, insecurity and inertia to keep manipulating us into marching in this same omnicidal direction, and we will not be able to collectively overcome those manipulations without a drastic shift in collective consciousness.
Luckily for us, this is precisely what is happening.... (READ MORE)
Caitlin Johnstone
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